My Christmas Book Haul

Hi everyone,

How was your Christmas?

Mine was full of food, dink and belting out tunes and now I probably weigh 10000000 stone and do not need to eat for another year and now cannot move. However, I will continue to indulge the Christmas food and stuff my face.

So because my mum is french, we do a lot of the celebrating on Christmas eve, and we get to open one present each. I chose the one from my sister which turned out to be. . .

00081894-623x400The Game Of Thrones Series! I freaked out when I saw this, I screamed and screamed and was on the verge of tears *is still super excited and stopped halfway through this paragraph to dance stupidly around the room in excitement and have a bit of a scream-attack!* This set os so beautiful and I’ve wanted to read this series for over a year!

It comes with a map as well and is basically perfect!

The following morning I got multiple presents from my mum which are all wonderful, but the book that she got me was. . .

9781435145399_p0_v3_s192x300A Christmas Carol and Other Christmas Stories!

I’ve been dying yo read more classics and really expand what I’m reading and this edition is just beautifullllllllllllll. In real life it shines and everything!

I’m really excited to read this and also some of his not-so-known-books that aren’t as poplar and get to know his writing style. I’m also studying this book next year in school so it’d be great to read it before then and get ahead!

The next books that I got was from my dad’s girlfriend, who knows how crazy about books I am, and surprised me with not just one book, but three!

26836966imagesA Darker Shade final for IreneI am really looking forward to reading V. E. Schwab books as I know how recommended she is and have been dying to read her books since news of the third book being released soonish. Our Chemical Hearts is also a book that I’ve wanted to read for a while as it sounds so unique and I have no idea where it’s going to go!

My dad got me two more F. S. Fitzgerald books from the Penguin Classics Edition: The Last Tycoon and Tender Is The Night!

Books 6.jpg51KC-8nEX2L._SX340_BO1,204,203,200_.jpg I absolutely LOVE Fitzgerald and already have a book from this collection. I love reading Fitzgerald in winter and cannot wait to break into these books. If I had a fire place, warm tartan blanket and Sherlock serving me tea I’d have a heart attack! But when I saw these, of my, did I cry? Or did I lay on the floor sobbing? I’ll leave it up to your imagination!!


I am so thankful to my family for these gifts, it’s unreal. I feel like I am about to explode with gratitude and my heart is just going to jump out of my chest.

On that note, it’s time for me to go and help prepare dinner, so I’ll leave you with a picture of my shelves. . .


Lu x


20 thoughts on “My Christmas Book Haul”

  1. Omg!! I have the same edition with the map and all, except maybe the covers a different, they’re really huge though. I just started the forth part! God I’m almost jealous of that collection though, they are very pretty. Enjoy girl!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I’m a huge fan of Charles Dickens, so I’m glad you have an opportunity to read some of his Christmas stories! I have to admit, however, that even though I’ve read a few of his books, I just don’t like Fitzgerald.


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