Survey on my blog // Short Discussion On Blogging For Audience > Blogging For You?

Sooo the reason for this post is that I am hosting a survey on my blog, and I would love if you could check it out here.

I’m introducing the survey now so that it can run through December and finish in the new year.

Now, while I very much believe that you should love your blog because you are proud of it, and you shouldn’t change things because others say that you should, I think that it’s okay to also want feedback???

SOME SAY: Don’t change your blog for others, just keep doing what you want to do!!

OTHERS SAY: Make sure to keep your audience happy and post what appeals to them, but also to you. (But with a larger emphasis on your audience)

I sit between the two.

I think that feedback is a great way to find out what your AUDIENCE enjoy and DO NOT ENJOY regarding your blog. I’d hate to be spending loads of time on a project that people don’t enjoy and that I only felt ‘meh’ about. However, I will blog about what I want to blog about. If there’s a really popular thing, (for example, TTT), that EVERYONE under the sun is doing and is really popular, but I don’t want to do? Guess what, I won’t do it.

BUT, finding out what your audience wants also allows you to maybe alter your blog in a way that you never thought of before, and that you could end up loving. And guess what, if you don’t like these alterations, BECAUSE IT’S YOUR BLOG, you can just CHANGE IT.


What’s going to be in my survey:

  • about my new layout –> LIKE PPL OPINIONS.
  • my posting schedule — > I feel that this needs to change.
  • post lengths.
  • amounts of reviews.

And general things like that.

Why am I hosting a survey? (because clearly, my blog is perfection personified*)

  • Because you may or may not know that I will soon be reaching MY 2 YEAR anniversary of blogging.
  • And while this may not seem ages for some people, I’d like to think that it’s a long-ish period of time.
  • I’d really like to grow my blog, and get more SPECIFIC feedback, FOR CERTAIN AREAS as that is how you can MAKE PROGRESS (there are other ways too, not just this method).
  • I simply want to know what people think about these aspects of my blog and it’s anonymous so hopefully, people will be candid but not too brutal (YOU’RE ALL LOVELY BUT LIKE I’M STILL TERRIFIED, OK?)

*yes, I’m joking. . .


Again, you can find a link to my survey HERE.

I would very much like your opinion on my blog, I’d love some constructive criticism on my blog. And please feel free to share this survey!! I’ll be running this until the new year, as that’s when I’m aiming to try and boost my blog.

Thank you so much!!!

chat with me

Chat with me: do you blog about things that you know are popular for sure if you want to blog about them? What could potentially stop you from blogging about something? What makes a post something that you want to read? What’s your view on feedback??? Let me know in the comments! 





12 thoughts on “Survey on my blog // Short Discussion On Blogging For Audience > Blogging For You?”

  1. Ooh a survey!! I’ll definitely fill it out when I can get on my computer tomorrow instead of on my phone. 😂 I honestly love taking feedback surveys for some reason??? I’m weird.

    Anyways, what an interesting discussion!! I blog a lot for my audience, bc like you said, I don’t want people just HATING what I post. I think it’s hard for me to blog for myself — sometimes there are certain posts just for me (like writing updates or rants) and not necessarily something others will like?? But… idk. I don’t like thinking Lu wHY ARE YOU MAKING ME THINK. 😂😂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you so much!!

      Img I agree???? I’m so scared that if I blog what I want to alll the time, bc what if no one likes it??? I totally understand you!!!! BUT YOUR WRITING UPDATES!!! I love them!!!


      Liked by 1 person

  2. I did a survey like this a little while ago on my blog and I stand just like you on this topic. If I love and want to be blogging for myself, I also love getting feedback and seeing what people enjoy reading the most, what they’d like to see and everything. Obviously, we don’t have to obey if we don’t want to write about, say, our hometowns or dogs or I don’t know what ahah, but it IS great to hear from our followers!
    ANYWAY I shall take the survey right now!! ❤ ❤

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you for doing the survey!! ❤ ❤
      Yess!! I remember your post that had a similar theme and i loved it! Yes, i think that it's great to find out what your followers like about your blog as well as keeping what YOU like about your blog!

      Liked by 1 person

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