Month in Review // January wrap up: Oh I Read More Than One Book, Poetry & WIP(s)

January was bad… and I mean bad… like, sob-in-a-cave-forever-type-of-bad bad.

…Okay, it wasn’t that bad. It wasn’t Magnus-Level-Throw-Glitter-Everywhere-Awesome, but it wasn’t SO terrible (at least for a little bit.

I think that books are trying to make me suffer (more than usual). I just wish that books WOULD LET ME LOVE THEM. Okay? And words. I just can’t do the writing things because WORDS FAIL ME and I just,,, jdgjkrdtbjkrkjbjb. This month was a mess.


Books I’ve Read: 

I read a book! I swear!! I mean… eventually!!

  • Dear Martin: okay this book. THIS BOOK. THIS. BOOK. There was THUG, and then there was this. This blew me away. Tore my heart out. It was brilliant. I just,,, want more books like this. (Insert star rating here) (You can check my review out here on gr)
  • Gentleman’s Guide to Vice and Virtue: this book was slow at first, but then I really got into it and it was soooo not what I was expecting and I lovedddddd it. PERCYYY ❤️❤️ tho ❤️❤️ and Monty was so witty I loved it. I haven’t written a review for it yetttt, but I will get it done soon (hopefully).

low-key bugs me these covers don’t go together

3 Bouquet

What I Plan To Read Next: 

  1. Simon Vs. –> FINALLY. This has taken me SO LONG to get around to. I really want to read this and then get. out. of. this. slump. because. I. WANNA. READ AGAIN OKAY.

  2. Lord of Shadows –> Gonna buddy read this!! I really want to read this, but the slump has been preventing me!! Hopefully, I’ll actually finish it???

  3. City of Bones –> Going to be rereading this (10th Anniversary Edition) with Ruby Rae, who I am also reading LoS with, so that we can both get back into reading a bit before we read LoS. WE JUST WANNA READ LOS OKAY? BUT WE CAN NOT.

But who knows what’s going to happen?




So I got back into writing poetry in the past few weeks… But I sort of forgot that I had a WIP.

Okay so I’ll share some poems real quick otherwise ilsa will scream at me to send her some anyway.

But this is the issue.

I have another WIP and now I just… don’t want to continue with WIP1 anymore because. . .  I just… I’m not passionate about that story anymore. Well… I am… but I’ve hit a very big wall and have some blocks on how to connect all the mini-plots events and that’s where the issue is. And even from the beginning, I just, never really knew how to connect things. My plot just wasn’t solid enough for me to write yet.

And I KNOW!! I KNOW!! “just keep writing and it will come to you!!

But with WIP2 I know how I’m going to connect things. I know how things plan out(ish) I have it, you know???? I’m still going to be changing things as I write, but with my first WIP, I was struggling to connect things. BUT THIS ONE. THIS ONE I KNOW WHERE IT’S GOING (well more than the other one aha). 

But I feel bad for leaving the other one, but the thing is there’s nothing stopping me from going back to my first WIP later on.


Life Stuff:


nothing is really happening in my life… apart from. . .

revision revision revision.  

So I literally have nothing to say in this part? Or anything to say now? Okay bye.

chat with me

What did you read/write this month? What did you achieve? What went on in your life? (I’m not a stalker I promse!) Let me knowwwww. 




41 thoughts on “Month in Review // January wrap up: Oh I Read More Than One Book, Poetry & WIP(s)”

    Okay my typing I despise everything hdhodshg
    Also, Gentleman’s Guide, aaaa, aaaaaaaa?????? I love that book I’m going to cry
    I love your blog so much; sorry, I’m fangirling and binge reading and ahhhhh i’m a mess!!!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. AHHH so happy you loved Dear Martin, that book sounds so great and I have been hearing all the best things about it. I will have to read it soon. I can’t WAIT for you to finally read Simon, vs, I hope you will LOVE IT SO MUCH, I am SO EXCITED for you to read it, I really am, you’ll have to share all the feels with me ❤
    I love you poems so, so much, my favorite is the one with the watch and ahhh why are you writing so well? ❤
    As for your WIP… write as you feel it! ❤ ❤

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Your poetry is amazingggggggg!! Also, you can always revisit your first WIP later – just write whatever is interesting to you 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  4. We shall conquer this slump… but seeing jace again *screams because i miss him sm* ahhh your poems are so BEAUTIFUL!! Revision sucks 😫

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Hahaha I love how your posts never fail to make me smile 🙂 Don’t worry about your WIPs, things will turn out great, I promise! We all need a change of scenery at times and not forcing oneself to write is usually the best approach.
    I’m glad you enjoyed your books and hopefully February will be an even better reading month 🙂
    Nothing is really happening in my life either so don’t feel bad… Exciting things will come! The good kind I hope hahaha
    Have an amazing weekend, Lu ❤️

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Aww, I’m sorry you didn’t have the greatest January 😦 But at least you read some amazing books! Did that help a little? I’m really looking forward to reading your review on Lord of Shadows!!

    I love that you shared your poetry! It makes me soooo happy when people share their writing, it’s so unique and pretty and makes me smile 🙂 I hope your February goes a little bit better, especially on the writing front! I’m waist-deep in edits right now and it’s reeeeeally starting to take a toll on me!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Aww thank you, Rebeccah!

      ohhh thank you, I can’t wait to read it! Did you enjoy ittttt??

      Ahhh good luck with your edits this month, and have a great February! Thank you for stopping by on my blog ❤


  7. January was certainly something strange for me as well. Goodness, I would say that I’ve never felt so stressed in my life before but lol that would be a lie. It was stressful and I hope that I can get my emotions under control in February.

    Dear Martin is sitting in my closet!! One problem: I’ve checked too many books out from my school library and I tried to check out 4 more today but the librarian asked me if I was sure I wanted the books if I hadn’t even finished ones I had checked out in October, and I was like, “yeah”, but then she told me that I had 15 books out already and then out of nowhere I was trying to save the books that I wanted to read and I told her that I would read all the books I had checked out and return them by Monday. So, now I have a weekend to read 15 books. *twitches in stress* Ok, I know it’s my fault , but I’ll still try to read as much books as I can and then just return the rest.


    Aww, those poems are all so sad. I hate feeling that way sometimes when I like someone but they like someone else. (ahem, that was me a few years back when my crush liked my friend instead.) (And, what’s funny now is that we’re in the same class but I don’t even like him anymore like AT ALL) (It’s funny how life works sometimes)

    *hugs you* I’m here to talk if the author and the “she” in the poem are the same people. Crushes both rock and suck at the same time.

    Also, would you be willing to read chapter 1 of my novella that I started writing last night?? I want to enter it into a contest and I have to write 10 chapters with 2k words each, but I keep getting stuck, hehe, If you have time that is, because you seem super stressed and you also have tons of books to read, so you may decline if you have no time.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. SAME HERE! so much stress and I just want to bundle away from all my problems.

      omh 15 books in one weekend? you’re crazy? how? share your secrets please?

      aww thank you Han. some of the poems aren’t really about me though, because it’s something that’s going on with my friend so I wrote an angsty poem about how he’s being stupid ahdbashjfbajh.

      erm yes? of course!!! gimmeeeeeeeeeee nowwwww.


      1. All this stress makes me want to sleep

        Yeah, I’m crazy and I didn’t win the challenge. I only read 1 book and I just had like 35 pages left of the book anyway.

        i hope everything goes well with your friend

        ahhh! i can’t wait to let you read it, but i’m currently in writers block so i’ll just send you it when i finish the first chapter. btw, how do you want me to send it to you? because it’s a google doc and i don’t have your email or anything.

        Liked by 1 person

  8. I just read Simon vs the Homo Sapiens Agenda and it’s SO GOOD. Literally made me laugh and cry! I hope you love it!
    Also, I finally finished Gentlemen’s Guide. It was super hard for me to get into, maybe because Monty was SO annoying in the beginning. But once they got to Barcelona things definitely picked up and it was SO MUCH BETTER. And Percy, ah my heart. I LOVE him so, so, so much!

    You should feel so free to start another WIP. Don’t drag yourself down with a story that’s not going like you want! Branch out and write whatever your heart is feeling. 🙂 Though I am excited to hear about WIP #2 !!!


    1. OMG thank you –I just finished it and I loved it too muchhh ❤ ❤
      GHDHG yes I felt that he was annoying at the start too (rather self-absorbed!) but I’m so glad that he changed!! PERCY IS EVERYTHING ❤

      Thank you so much Elizabeth! You’re so lovely ❤


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