The Entertainer Blogger Award // The Christmas Tag.

Hello and Happy Monday everyone!

I’m feeling really positive about this week (it’s my last full week before the holidays) and really feeling the Christmas vibes. I’m trying to get back to my old posting habits, and get into reading everyone’s posts, but I’m being swamped in work and having to catch up on all the work that I missed from when I was off sick : (.

Anyways . . .

img_7670I was nominated by the wonderful Closetreaders for the lovely Entertainer Blogger Award, thank you so much for nominating me!
Here are the basic rules:
*  Write a post to show your award.
* Thank the person who nominated you.
* Answer the questions.
* Nominate 12 other bloggers.
Why did you start a blog in the first place?

Mainly it was to share my love of reading and books in general, but I’d been dying to try the blogging experience for ages, so I stared a blog.

What is your favourite book?

I really don’t know about this question. I think that my favourite book is probably The Great Gatsby because I have such strong feelings towards the characters within it, and feel like it portrays that time period so well and vividly.

What do you dislike the most?

People hating on people for no reason, or just hating on others for no reason. It’s totally unnecessary and horrible.

What is your favourite food item from the mall?

It’s definitely from the Thai food place: Green Thai curry is my favourite at the moment!

What is your favourite past time?

Reading. But I’m not just obsessed with reading. I love learning languages and sorts. It’s a weird combo, but learning languages is so fun and I find it really rewarding. People don’t really get my love for learning languages, but I love it!


// Jamie // Steff // Emma // Kourtni //

I was nominated by the lovely Alicia for The Christmas Tag, thank you so much for tagging me, it seems like so much fun!

1. When do you put your Christmas tree up? Take it down?

We put up our tree usually around the 7-12 of December just so that it doesn’t die before Christmas!

2. What is your tree topper?

We don’t actually have a tree topper

3. Is your tree real or synthetic?

We used to have a synthetic one, but in the last couple of years we’ve switched to buying real ones : )

4. Favorite Christmas Scent?

Gingerbread and Peppermint. It’s a weird combo, but I have a candle scented of Gingerbread and Peppermint and it smells amazing!

5. Can you name all of Santa’s Reindeer?

Sadly, no. I know:

  • Rudolph,
  • Dasher,
  • Dancer
  • Prancer,
  • Vixen and
  • Blixem

The others are:

  • Comet,
  • Cupid,
  • Dunder.

6. When did you stop believing in Father Christmas?

When I was about 6 😦

7. White lights or coloured lights?

White, definitely!

8. Do you open presents on Christmas Eve or Morning?

Because my parents are divorced, we open some on Christmas Eve and some on Christmas Morning as sometimes in the morning we don’t have time to open them with one parent on Christmas morning.

9. Have you ever had a white Christmas?

Sadly, again, no. I’ve always dreamt of a white Christmas, but in England it doesn’t snow in December.

10. Are your wrapping skills pinterest worthy or “Let’s use a giftbag” worthy”

Pintrest worthy! I have mastered the art of wrapping, finally!

11. All time favorite Christmas Song?

‘All I Want For Christmas Is You’, it’s such a good sing-a-long.

12. Have you ever made a snowman?

Of course! I love building snowmen! Me and my sister always have snow fights while building them!

I’m not going to tag anyone for this, I’m going to leave it open to anyone to carry on, if you wish! Please don’t hesitate to tag me in the post if you do end up carrying it on : )

Have a great rest of the day,

Lu x



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