The Unexpected Everything

I really don’t know about this book… Whether I just about liked it, or LOVED it. Let me explain… 

I read this book because I am part of an online book club @teatimereaders on Instagram with my #bookstagram account. This was NOT the book I voted for August, however, I stuck with it. 

And at first, I was somewhat interested, but the book was slow and wasn’t grabbing me like some of the other books I’ve read recently. (And by no means do I judge books against each other because every author is different!).  So I was reading the book slowly, and only because I thought I needed to. And the main reason that I think I wasn’t that into it was that I wasn’t too keen on the main character: Andie. *waits for the whole world to gasp once more!!* 


And, oh my! 

*disclaimer– there is nothing to do where I go apart from sit on the beach all day and read* 

So I was saved! 

Within the first day I was able to get a third way through the book, and I was enjoying it! I wasn’t HOOKED, but I was enjoying it. So, over the next to days, I was able to finish the book. And I really loved it! (And, occasionally, I did get that reading-really-fast-to-keep-up-with-the-pace-in-real-life-because-the-book-is-really-good-in-that-moment-and-you-just-want-to-find-out-what-happens-next-feeling-and-you’re-probably-tapping-your-foot-really-hard-to-the-point-the rest-will-be-bruises).

What I liked: 

  1. The characters. I know this doesn’t make sense with me not likening Andie at first, but I love her friends, and I must admit, she grew on me. I think that the characters in all we’re really well developed, especially Toby and Bri. 
  2. The family side to the story. I really enjoyed reading the scenes with Andie and her dad, and how their relationship grew. ( I really want to give scene references here, but I will never give large spoilers like that! URRGGG! *mentally at war with my self!*)
  3. The Messages. No,  sadly I am not talking about the books underlying deep message to leave the reader with (though it’s a real good one). Yes, I’m talking about the text messages between Andie and her friends. And the emojis! *Any one who has read this book will totally understand! And, if you don’t, read this book!* 

There are other things that I’d say, but then I’d have a list from here to Timbuktu!  

Not so great things: 

  1. The pace. It was a bit bluuugh (strung out – in my crazy speak). I feel like it could have been a lot quicker. I think the only reason I was able to get though the book with it being this slow is because I was reading non-stop. 
  2. Andie. She wasn’t great, but I guess it’s like it is in real life: not everyone will like everyone. 

The ending I also have mixed feelings about. I was annoyed bear to the end, because it’s so like the problems we have to deal with in real life at school, but then I also liked it because it was realistic and not the “typical” ending you get in a lot of YA Contemporary Novels. 

The beginning: mixed feelings.

The middle: enjoyed.

The ending: mixed feelings

Is anyone else feeling this way about a book at the moment/ what is everyone reading? 


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