The Book Fests Award. 

It feels like I haven’t done a tag in ages, though it was only three days ago. I think it’s because I’ve been blogging way more than usual, which I am super happy about!:) Thank you so much to the wonderful Maya @bookdragon1017 for nominating me in this tag! ❤️💕 You should ALL definitely go and follow her if you aren’t already. 


1 – Thank the Blogger who nominated you for this award, because it’s the right thing to do. 

2 – Answer the award questions that will be listed below.

3 – Write a Fifty Words Story, JUST because 

4 – Award five or more bloggers with this Award.

5- Ask them a question of your making, you’ll like them to answer.

6 – Put up the award image badge on your blog via image widget. (I’m not sure what this means?) 

The Questions for Award: 

  1. A book you started but never finished…but want to finish. What stopped you from continuing to read it?   
  2. What elements attract you to a book, which makes you need to read it? 
  3. Which books do you prefer, e-copy or hard copy?
  4. What book are you currently reading or going to read next?
  5.  Is it fair to judge a book by its film?
  6.  What book did you badly judge by its cover and ended up loving?
  7. Which book character have you felt the most kin with and able to relate with?

Maya’s Extra Question for her nominees:

What was the first book you read that got you into reading?


1. A book you started but never finished…but want to finish. What stopped you from continuing to read it? 

An Abundance of Katherine’s. I stopped reading this book because it was just so slowww. But I really want to know what happened in the end.

2. What elements attract you to a book, which makes you need to read it?

  1. The genre, I don’t like horror so much, only the classic horrors, as I haven’t read many of them. But if the book is Fantasy, or CYA, I’ll probably read it. 
  2. The blurb. If it sounds like a totally typical book, it probably will stop me from reading it, as I want to read new, unique things. 
  3. The cover. I know I shouldn’t say this, but the over effects it a lot. Though, I don’t mind what’s on the cover but I will definitely not be buying a book with a shirtless, muscley man on the front as I have to take books to class and… yeah… I’m 14 so it’s probably not suitable for me anyway! 

3. Which books do you prefer, e-copy or hard copy?

I prefer hard copy, because I like having the physical book in my hand, but recently I’ve really been enjoying reading on my iPad! 

4. What book are you currently reading or going to read next?

I’m currently reading Dracula, but I know for a fact that I’m getting A Tourch Against The Night for my birthday, and potentially Dramology!!!! I am so hyped for these books!!

5. Is it fair to judge a book by its film?

Absolutely not! Take for instance, The Perks of Being a Wallflower, it is completely different, I found, from the film!

6. What book did you badly judge by its cover and ended up loving?

The Secret Fire cover, as it looked quite plain, but still made me wonder what it was about. Anyway, I became totally obsessed and the following book is coming out next year and I am SO HYPED, as I checked it out and the blurb sounds AMAZING!! 

7. Which book character have you felt the most kin with and able to relate with?

Brobably Cath from Fangirl.

I just went and did a quiz: 

Maya’s question for her nominees:

What was the first book you read that got you into reading?

 — Brace yourselves — 

Twilight  *everyoneintheworldwhohatesthetwilightsagacringes* at the time, I though they were great, but that was 12 year old Lu. 


What got you into bookblogging/blogging? 


When she set out that brisk autumn morning, with nothing on her mind, she couldn’t have imagined what would come to be. In the depth of the tiny library that she nearly knew by heart, gazing for no particular reason, she would come across a book that wasn’t meant to be there, holding the untold truth… (Exactly 54words :)) 

(Disclaimer- these are not my images (1&3), I just added the text to the first one) 

I nominate: 

  1. Jasmine @HowUsefulItIs
  2. Megan @Bookslayerreads 
  3. Trisha @ThatSlytherinWriter 
  4. Fangirl_07
  5. Catherine @escapebyreading

And of course, if I didn’t nominate you, you are still more than welcome to do this tag! 

As always, 


16 thoughts on “The Book Fests Award. ”

        1. That would be so good, I did that a few weeks ago with Twilight to see how I liked it when I was younger compared to now, and… I can’t believe that I used to love it! ould be so coll to see if you prefer it more or less now, considering it is a classic! 🙂

          Liked by 1 person

  1. Hey! I just discovered your blog and it’s so relatable🙂 I love your answers although, I’m not gonna lie, the twilight one made me cringe just a little bit😉😂 The book that first got me into reading was the first book of the Harry Potter Series 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I’m glad you can relate, even writing “Twilight” made me cringe!!! The first three Harry Potter books also had a huge influence on my reading, but I read them at the end of yr6, whereas I read Twilight *cringe* at the beginning. I’m shocked that I can recall still that long ago!

      Liked by 1 person

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