5 Of My Favourite YA Authors



Not going to lie, these authors are probably the authors that everyone is loving at the moment,  because there are some from recent books that’ve been pretty popularrrrr.

Anyway. . .  These are in no particular order, and obviously I have appreciation for every author as they’ve put so much hardwork into writing, publishing, editing, etc and it deserves to be recognised, however popular their books are.

Okay, so this author had a series that when I was 12-13 I just could not do anything but read. As well as that, she had a trilogy which made me first experience the FEELS REALLY BAD.

And that author is. . . Cassandra Clare! 

I absolutely lovedddd TMI and TID! I haven’t read Lady Midnight yet, I don’t know what force is stopping me from doing it, but I really want to get it read in the next couple of months!

The next author is. . .

Leigh Bardugo. 

I know that I haven’t read much for her, but I really want to read the Grisha Trilogy as I loved her writing style in SoC (by the end) and adoreedddddd Crooked Kingdom, and how she represents that world with such clarity.

So another of my faves is. . .

Sarah J Maas! 

How could I not? I mean. . . just. . . impossible not to mention her. . .

I love her books so much (ACOMAF in particular) that I continuously re-read the cute parts, sassy parts, action parts, sad parts. . . okay, so basically the entire book. And I do so about 4 times a week, at least!

I promise not to go off on a tangent about ACOWAR. EEPPPPP, SO EXCITED THOUGH!!!!!!!!

Okay. . . calming down. . . moving on. . .

The fourth one is. . .

Morgan Matson! 

Her contemporaries are few that I can actually get through now. I used to be a huge contemporary fan, hardly reading anything else, apart from Cassandra Clare, but then I started to really enjoy fantasy.

I’d tried reading other contemporaries, but found myself putting them down, and returning them to the library. So I tried Second Chance Summer, after having previously loved The Unexpected Everything, and I really loved it.

Since though, I’ve only picked up two other contemporaries, both of which I also enjoyed, but one was loads of short stories, and some had fantasy in them sooo. . .  And the other was from another favourite author of mine. . .

And that author is. . .

Nicola Yoon!

Everything Everything was EVERYTHING. It was spectacular, in every single way! I then read The Sun Is Also A Star, and I really enjoyed that one too.

She has this really easy writing style that conveys feelings so clearly and it had a huge impact on the reader and is just all-round amazing.

Who are some of your favourite authors? Let me know, I’d love to hear what you think!

24 thoughts on “5 Of My Favourite YA Authors”

  1. I totally agree with Cassandra Clare. City of Bones got me out of a massive reading slump, and then I remember reading the rest of the series one after the other. Her writing definitely got better as the series progressed. TID is my absolute favourite though, I love Will, Jem and Tessa 🙂

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  2. I’ve wanted to read The Sun is Also A Star! Gotta bump that one up higher on my TBR list now. 🙂 Some authors I really enjoy are Kristin Cashor who wrote the Graceling books; Richelle Mead who wrote Vampire Academy and I really enjoyed Glittering Court; and of course Masashi Kishimoto who wrote the amazingly fantastic Naruto ❤🙌🏼 I also really like Sarah J Maas now, my newly favorited author. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yasss, do! I’m gad that you like SJM too!
      I haven’t read the other books that you suggested, but heard of them, and the majority are on my TBR, which I will now bump further up!

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  3. Don’t like Sarah’s books, haven’t captivated me, Nicola Yoon is coming up. Leigh Bardugo is good but she wouldn’t make it to my favourite. I love Renee Ahdieh, Marissa Meyer etc. Lol can’t think of more right now. Lovely post Lu.

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      1. Ahdieh* sorry my bad, she is the author of The Wrath and The dawn duology, which is a very great read. Yes she is the author of the Lunar Chronicles, awesome series right!

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