The Mystery Blogger Award // Rapid Fire Book Tag.

Hello everyone.

As you can see, I’m still catching up on tags.


The lovely IceBreaker694 nominated me for The Mystery Blogger Award absolutely ages ago (sorry it took so long for me to get round to it!) Thank you so much!


1. Put the award logo/image on your blog.
2. List the rules.
3. Thank whoever nominated you and provide a link to their blog.
4. Mention the creator of the award and provide a link as well. (YOU CAN FIND THE CREATOR—OKOTO ENIGMA—HERE)
5. Tell your readers 3 things about yourself.
6. You have to nominate 10 – 20 people.
7. Notify your nominees by commenting on their blog.
8. Ask your nominees any 5 questions of your choice; with one weird or funny question (specify).
9. Share a link to your best post(s).

Three things about me:

  1. I am a serious coffee addict. I may have said that before.. .
  2. I haven’t read all the Harry Potter books, despite seeing all the films. JE SAIS, SACRILEGE!
  3. I actually hate sweets. I can’t deal with all the sugar.

Questions from Icebreaker694:

1. First book you read in 2017.

A Court of Mist and Fury.

2. What’s the last fandom you joined in?

Probably the ToG fandom.

3. Best GIF or Meme of last year.

Screen Shot 2017-03-06 at 10.48.41.png

It’s probably the most relatable.

4. A special skill that you have that you’re proud of.

*mind blank*  *face plant*  gahhh I can’t think of anything.

5. Random: It’s the zombie apocalypse, which book are you okay with throwing at the zombies?

Twilight. Need I elaborate?

Questions from me: 

  1. What is something that you’ve wanted blog about for ages but haven’t got round to? 
  2. What’s your current movie rave?
  3. An album that you love?
  4. Favourite food?
  5. Strange: If you could go back into the past, what time era would you visit? 

Best posts?

How To Survive The Wait For ACOWAR.

Stay Strong Tag.

Top Ten Books of 2016, p1

I nominate:

  1. Twin Tales.
  2. Closet Readers.
  3. Steff
  4. Lara
  5.  The Queen, i.e.  JOJO!
  6.  All The Jazz
  7. Maddie
  8.  Silanur
  9.  Tilda
  10.  Wordjunkie 

Rapid Fire Book Tag

Notsomoderngirl tagged me for this tag and I am so happy that they did! Thanks so muchhhhh!

Ebooks or Physical Books?
Physical books, no doubt.
Paperback or hardback?
ahhhh both are great. Hardback.
Heroes or Villains?
Heroes, though villains are so cool.
Online or in-store book shopping?
In-store, always, although I do buy a lot of books online because they’re cheaper.
Trilogies or series?
I love them both! But I’ll settle for series.
A book you want everyone to read?
Shatter Me by Tahereh Mafi
Recommend an under-rated book.
The Secret Fire.
The last book you finished?
Fantastic Beasts (Screenplay).
Weirdest thing you’ve used as a bookmark?
I use my phone all the time when I’m at home and have to put it down for a sec.
Used books, yes or no?
Yes, I love how they look, and its mostly for charity and good for the environment!
Top three favourite genres?
Fantasy, Contemporary, and I’ll also go for Historical Fiction!
Borrow or buy?
Characters or plot?
Characters? Plot is important as well, but without great characters I probably wouldn’t enjoy the book.
Long or short chapter?
Name the first three books you think of.
The One Memory of Flora Banks, A Court of Mist and Fury, Milk and Honey.
Books that make you laugh or cry?
Our world or fictional worlds?
Audiobooks: yes or no?
Yes/no, I cant really get into them but I’ve tried them and it helped me get out of a slump.
Do you ever judge a book by its cover?
Yes, although I really shouldn’t. I try not to.
Book to movie or book to TV adaptation?
Series or standalone?

For this tag, feel free to carry it along (I won’t tag anyone specifically).

Thank you both so much, again, for the tags!

Lu x


23 thoughts on “The Mystery Blogger Award // Rapid Fire Book Tag.”

  1. Hiiii!!! We enjoy reading your blog and just wanted to let you know that we’ve nominated you for The Blue skies tag and hope you can answer our questions we’ve asked 💓✌🏻

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I like that GIF, it’s hilarious and kind of true for 2016…I hope it won’t be relevant for this year as well :-/ Awesome post and congrats on the nomination 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  3. That Harry Potter meme is awesome!! It made me laugh 😀
    I loved reading all your answers and I definitely agree that everyone should read Shatter Me 🙂
    Thank you so much for nominating me!

    Liked by 1 person

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