The Entertainment Blogger Award.

I am so happy to be awarded this, it actually astounds me that people find my blog entertaining, ( I hope it makes you giggle in public to make you seem strange by laughing at your phone 😉😂) and just the thought of my blog making people cheerier make me really happy! So, thank you so much Jazz @ISwoonOverFictional, Non-HumanMen for nominating me! 

The Rules: 

  1. Thank the person who nominated you, and provide a link to their blog. 
  2. Add these rules to your post. 
  3. Answer all of the questions below. 
  4. Display the award picture in your post. 
  5. Nominate 12 new bloggers who are funny, inspiring and most importantly: ENTERTAINING! 

The Questions… 

Q1) Why did you start a blog in the first place? 

It was something that I’d always wanted to do, and when I discovered WordPress, I thought, “Why not?”. Reading was — is — my favourite thing to to, and Blogging lets me share it.

Q2) What is your favourite book? 

My favourite book is constantly changing, as I constantly come across briliant books, but right now my favourite book is for sure An Ember In The Ashes and I think it wil be for a long while as I am so in LOVE with it at the moment. 

Q3) What do you dislike the most? 

People excluding others. I think I mentioned this in my previous Entertaining Blogger Award, but it’s something that really effects me, and has formed me the way I am today. It’s difficult to talk about. It’s such a petty action, and causes continuous hurt, even if they don’t realsie it and can casue long-term issues for people. 

Q4) What is your favourite food item from the mall? 

It used to be fires, but I don’t eat McDonalds anymore, gosh, its been over a year! Now it’s Vegetable Spring Rolls. But the place shut down a few weeks ago😦 luckily there is another place around the corner🙂. 

Q5) What is your favourite pastime? 

Do reading and blogging count?! If not, netbal or Yoga? Bookstagram? Nah, it’s reading… 

My 12 Nominations: 

  1. Booklover1017
  2. How Useful It Is
  3. Teacher of YA 
  4. Bookreviews5blog 
  5. Twintales 
  6. Maptomercury
  7. Teenella
  8. Bookslayerreads
  9. Books, Vertigo and tea 
  10. Midnight Biblio Blog 
  11. One Bookish Girl 
  12. Calliopethebookgoddess

Thank you so much for reading, I’ll most probably be back later with another post, 

As always, 


14 thoughts on “The Entertainment Blogger Award.”

    1. You’re welcome! For excluding others it’s like ignoring them, or turning their back to them so they can’t stand as part of a groups, petty little things like that really x

      Liked by 1 person

  1. Thanks for the nomination! Great answer. Just to let you know, and I didn’t know this until someone else told me like I am doing so now, unless you link a particular page on someone’s blog, they won’t get a notification.

    Liked by 1 person

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