Books I Love But Never Reviewed #I’m Sorry.


I only started my blog 1.5 years ago, and before then, I loved to read. And even when I did have my blog, I only really started reviewing books in August of last year. Now,,, obviously, I would LOVEEE to go back and reread everything I’ve ever read and review them for you and pass out sweeties, but,,, thats not really possible. 

So. Imma tell you some of the top books I’ve read, but never reviewed.

1. The Infernal Devices Series!

Okay, I love this series TO DEATH (remembers JEM…. NOOOOOOO) but I read this when I was in year 7, i.e. two years away from starting my blog. I cannot tell you enough how much this series makes me sob and sob until my eye balls fall out and turn into puddles of tears. 


2. Fangirl. 

16402-5-novel-yang-wajib-dibaca-oleh-cewek-introvertI loveeee this book so dang much, Cath was #magirl and I loved everyone in that book. Her dad,,,,, blesssss. And it’s been so damn long since I read this book and now I want to reread it all over again, oml this post is gunna make me want to reread them all whathaveidone?

In this I’m also going to mention Eleanor and Park, which I want that keen on tbh, as I found it pretty pointless in the end??? I don’t know, ,, maybe I read it too long a go to remember it properly. 

3. The Mortal Instruments. 

This series made me love reading so damn much and just got me into books. I think that I read the first four in a week before reading TID and then reading the last two books in this series. JACE JACE JACE JACE JACE. 

First book boyfriends: JACE, WILL, JEM, ALEC,, SIMON, JACE, JACE, WILL, WILL, JACE, WILL,,, oh did I mention JACE AND WILL????????????????????????????????????


4. Divergent, Insurgent BUT NOT Allegiant.

I LOVEEEEEEE Divergent, I also love insurgent,,, but I hate ALLEGIANT.

I’m fully against harming others books, but… if I could burn/tear/forget I ever read a book, it would be allegiant. It was not my friend.

BUT DIVERGENT GAVE ME LIFE, AND INSURGENT GAVE ME BREATH. honestly,, these books were da bomb (when was ‘da bomb’ was a cool thing to say??) amazing when I read them,, I loved the hell out of these books I think that I read divergent FIVE TIMES. I think that can tell you more then I can. 


5. Night Owls.

night-owls-9781471125300_hr.jpgI can’t remember when EXACTLY I read this book, but holy ghosts of a haunted house, I loved it. I was so obsessed with this book I read it so quickly and coul.not.put.that.son.of.a.bitch.down. it was greatttttt.  

And ALSO,,,


Is it beautiful or is it BEAUTIFULLLLLLL????????????

6. The Rest Of Us Just Live Here. 

Dayyyymmmmnn. I read this the Christmas before starting my blog,,,, I think??? 

My sister bought it for me and it was my first hardback ya book,, I think,,, and it was one of those unexacting books that you don’t think you’ll like at first but then they take you Bir surprise and 


You love them.

I love everything about this book. It was like,,,, there were two stories and then they suddenly merge at the end in a way you never see coming and it was like..,,, mind blown *bam* 

This book also had a phenomenal display of how OCD really is, and how it was discussed in the book was so real and as the author has OCD himself I think that it made it even more authentic. There’s also a display of eating disorders in this book, and that too is discussed really well.


7. The Sky Is Everywhere. 

10231501.jpgThis book made me sob and sob and sobbbbbbbbb!!

It was one of the first Mental Health books that I read and it had such an impact and was literally so heartbreaking and emotional. 


Again,,,, its been forever since I read this book and I don’t think that I can properly talk about it but I just remember loving it so muchhhhh. 

Also,,, there have been so many different covers for this book, and I want to own them allllll. 

8. The Host. 

the-host-book-1.jpgThis book… At first I was like,,, this aiintttt brill but then after a while I really got into it. I semi knew what was gunna happen as I’d seen the film before HOW DARE I, I KNOW but what really kept me reading was the extra content in the book compared to the film. 

I personally think that this book is super underrated and not talked about enough tbh. 

This is very much a book that I prefer to the film. the film for me missed a lot of the details that I would have liked to see from the book. I still really like the film and all tho, its pretty decent plus….. #fit bois included. 

The Host is written by Stephanie Meyer and I much much much prefer this book to her other works: Twilight etc. 

It was a pretty good book and I took it on holiday with me,, and I read it twice in one day,,, I loved it that much. (at this point id already read it 3 times but shush!)

Imma leave it at 8 books because I could be here all day, so chat with me in the comments! Hove you read any of these? Which books haven’t you had the chance / not wanted to review? 

See you next postttttt!!!! 

Lu 😉





8 thoughts on “Books I Love But Never Reviewed #I’m Sorry.”

  1. Awesome post! I love looking back on my reviews too! Although I have been doing a pretty bad job at writing them in the past few months

    Liked by 1 person

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