Hey everyone!

So it’s pride month, and even though I don’t identify as LGBTQAI+, I still believe that supporting those who are and promoting awareness are super important.

I love reading diverse books, and it isn’t just because they’re diverse, but I think that it’s because they are truly wonderful and have really great messages behind them! Some of these books I have not read, but really want to in the near future!


By Becky Albertalli.

30653853 This was a lovely book, and while it does not feature a main character identifying as LGBTQAI+, it has many side characters and also talks about some topics that really should be discussed more, and also, promotes such pride for this community and is also such a truly wonderful book!

I read this not too long ago, and it quickly became one of my favourite contemporaries and I cannot recommend it enough.


By Nina LaCour.


This book was literally just a complete and utter piece of perfection for me.

Again, it promoted the community and further discussed coming to terms with sexuality, relationships, and the fundamentals of what it means to belong to the community along with stereotypes and overcoming them.

As well as this, it discussed friendships, and what it means to support one another, and this, for me, is another fantastic message that this book spreads.


By Becky Albertalli.

19547856.jpgThis book has been on my TBR for so so so so long, and it honestly sounds fantastic. I’ve heard nothing but absolutely brilliant things about it and it’s right up there on my TBR.

From what I’ve heard, it’s about a guy named Simon (no shit lu) who’s not openly gay, and he’s writing emails with this other guy, ;), and then they get leaked?? And then everyone knows about it? or something like that?
If I’m honest, this sounds like my perfect kind of book and I WANT TO READ THIS SO DAMN BAD!


By Rainbow Rowell.

28356624Oh my, I want to read this book so much. I know that it features a main gay romance, and I read fan-work from Fangirl totally oblivious and I already ship them.

I’ve head nothing but PHENOMENAL things about this book, and like MANY other books, it has been on my TBR for ages!


By Patrick Ness.


This book is a new release, and sounds amazing. I’ve loved some of Patrick Ness’s otherworks and this sounds like my cup of tea.

From what I’ve read, and heard, this book is about relationships, heartbreak, confrontation and hope, and somethings extraordinary in one day of Adam Thorn’s life, who is a gay, 17 year old teen.

It sounds so cool to have this set all in one day, and this book is so hyped and I’m very much excited to read it.

Which pride books do you love, or wish to read? I WISH TO READ ALL THE BOOKS EVER, BUT WHEN WILL I BE ABLE TO DO SO???????!

*crawls into cave*

*with lots of books*

*reads all the books until eyes bleed*

*withers and dies*


That’s all from me,



13 thoughts on “PRIDE YA BOOKS!”

  1. Hey dude! I adore Upside too and it’s an incredible book, but it shouldn’t really be included in a post about pride if the main character isn’t queer, as it’s more of a side thing. This is still an awesome list though and I agree with the rest of them – they’re really awesome! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hi! The reason that I included it is because, even though the character isn’t from the LGBTQIA+ community, the book still has a very prominent message about it.


  2. I’m gonna make it my mission to read all these, since I’ve never actually read a pride book before *hides because very annoyed at self*
    Honestly, I have 0 clue why and I’m definitely gonna read all of these before the end of the year, promise!!! Great post😊💕

    Liked by 1 person

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