February Wrap-up

Hi, so I know that I’m on a break, but I really wanted to wrap up February. 

So what did I read?

  1. Empire of Storms. Review here.
  2. Fantastic Beasts and Where To Find Them: The Original Screenplay. Review here.

Events this month: 

  1. I met with two other bloggers, Elm and L, which was so fun! 
  2. I had my exam week, and am now waiting for the results. 
  3. I had a slump and recovered from it within two weeks. 

Did I Meet My Aspirations this month? 

  1. Study for at least one hour per day during the week days until the 20-25th — school related. You could say that I achieved this, as I did at least two hours per day of revision, and somedays I was doing up to 5 hours. 
  2. Actually stay awake when texting L in the morning. (he made me add that, just sayyyinggggg….) I actually did this. 
  3. Have more organised posts, e.g Tuesday, Thursday and Sunday… or however. I didn’t manage this, as I’ve been studying and didn’t manage to write posts and schedule them in my free time. 
  4. Post regularly on Instagram because I’ve only just stopped my sporadic posting and I want to keep it this way, for once!! I finally managed to sort out my posting and post more regularly. I was able to take a bunch of photos in little snippets of free time that I got and post them throughout the week. 
  5. Try to include some non-book related posts too. About what, I have no idea. You could say that I managed this, as most of the posts that I did write this month was about my personal life rather than books. 
  6. Have more unique book-related posts when I do post about them. I don’t know whether I achieved this or not. 
  7. Be better at commenting on other blogs and catching up on my reader. I did manage to comment a bit more, but due to studying I didn’t have buckets of time. Next month I plan to be much better at keeping up with my reader. 

Extra things that I loved this month:

  1. The Harry Potter Books From Severus Snape’s Perspective. This was absolutely hilarious, and was amazing to read. 
  2. The band ‘The Hunna’. I love their music, especially the songs: ‘World Is Ours’, ‘She’s casual’, ‘Bonfire’, and ‘Piece By Piece’. I don’t know what it is about their music, but it’s such a great mix between pop and indie and if you like Catfish And The Bottlemen and Blossoms, then you will love them! 

That’s about it for February, thanks for reading. 

Lu x 

6 thoughts on “February Wrap-up”

  1. “Harry Potter from Snape’s perspective” … oh my gosh that’s a thing!?! Thank you for linking it, I just finished reading it and it was awesome!

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